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Bone Grafting - Sinus Lift

The maxillary sinuses are located in the cheekbones below your eyes.Tooth loss below the sinus leads to bone loss and over time the sinus will expand into the area previously occupied by bone and teeth.

The maxillary sinuses are located in the cheekbones below your eyes.Tooth loss below the sinus leads to bone loss and over time the sinus will expand into the area previously occupied by bone and teeth.


If a dental implant is placed into the inadequate bone it will move, shift and FAIL because there isn't enough stability to withstand forces of biting and chewing.


A sinus graft begins with a temporary opening made in one of two possible areas.


An instrument then modifies the sinus to its previous position providing clearance for the placement of substitute bone.


Adequate bone is placed to provide enough support for the placement of a dental implant.


Over time, the implant and substitute bone will heal, creating a strong bond and stable foundation for your new replacement teeth.


Over time, the implant and substitute bone will heal, creating a strong bond and stable foundation for your new replacement teeth.